Ways to make money online

There are many ways to make money online – choose convenience

The ways to make money online have gotten easier. For some years now, people have been automating their online earnings. To automate your online earnings simply means putting a system or process in place where you can earn with little to no effort. For example, when a website monetizes by using display adds, they are automating the process because all they have to do is produce content and drive traffic to their site to increase their revenue.

Automation creates an easier way to make money online

Fiverr helps people automate because of the ability to outsource. By outsourcing I mean, you can pay someone to literally create/design your website, write your blog posts, upload your blog posts, and more. You can pay someone to write your social media posts and essentially manage your social media account geared specifically to your brand, blog, business, etc.

The unique thing about Fiverr is that rates start at a low of $5 and move past $1,000 USD depending on what services you are looking for. Myself, I proofread on Fiverr and I rarely charge anyone $5. And I often tell clients, think of it as an investment. You are going to pay me and get expert service for your book that will essentially be a best seller and you will make thousands times more than my rate.


How to hire on Fiverr

For the sake of clarity, I want to make sure everyone knows what a freelancer is. A freelancer is someone who offers a good or a services and receives payment in absence of a company. Essentially, freelancers work for themselves. When using a freelancer on Fiverr, there is buyer protection. That is mainly what gets freelancers on Fiverr lots of business, the buyer feels a sense of protection.

Moving forward,  to hire on Fiverr, simply identify the service you need and you can type a search for that service in the search box. For example, if you want proofreading, you’d type in proofreading and sift through the results and screen everyone’s profile making note of their prices and offerings. This allows you to have some info before contacting freelancers. You can pretty much find a freelancer that will do anything. I was just offered to ghostwrite for a few authors. I have written about us pages for large companies as well. My Fiverr page is Professional Proofreading – Mrltheteacher

ways to make money online using Fiverr

Use Fiverr as a way to make money online


Once you identify a freelancer, you can tell them what you are looking for and create a request along with your budget. Use your budget as a ballpark because they may charge slightly over your budget. Also, keep in mind that if you don’t pay for quality, you will most likely have to buy the service twice because the 2nd time you will pay someone to do a better job. So pay the higher quality freelancer the first time and don’t be cheap on quality!

If you are struggling to choose someone, you can go to the post a request section. In this section you literally create a brief write up like a classified ad specifying what you are looking for and your budget. You will get many replies this way. 

3 Steps to create a blog to make money online

How could you not want an online earning opportunity that can be automated? I’ll give you 3 steps to creating an online blog that can be monetized.
1) Identify your interest
2) Identifying the needs for your site
3) Identify how you want to monetize.

Step 1 is the most important because if you don’t choose a niche that you are interested in, you are not going to maintain your drive to produce content or drive traffic to the site. Both of those factors greatly impact how much money your site can generate monthly, weekly, and daily.

Identifying the needs of your site allow you to plan what to budget for. For example, you may not consider yourself a writer or you may not want to write at all. Fact, to get your new blog recognized quickly from visitors you need to write content regularly. At this point, you need to decide to pay a ghostwriter. You may have a budget for a $10 per post ghostwriter on Fiverr. At 4 post per week (4 x $10 = 40) you can expect to pay $40-$90.

In addition, you also need to advertise your blog or website whether it be social media or paid advertising. As you do your research, you may decided that you don’t want to set up advertising yourself, so 2 options:
Pay someone to optimize your site for search engines or SEO.
Pay someone to set up your advertising account on Google, Bing, Pinterest, or Facebook.


Keep Costs Low

The problem with both options is there is an additional cost involved. The pro is that this helps you automate where if you go back to my statement about my clients I proofread for, look at it as an investment. You are investing in someone writing your blog post and advertising so you can make thousands times those investment costs over time. Still a great deal.

If you are wondering how to make money online free, then you can go all in and do everything yourself. It does take more time, but it saves you money.

In closing, my advice for how to make money online for beginners is to simply automate. You can simply go to Fiverr and post a request for someone to give you a consultation on how to walk you through how to set up your website or blog, to earn you money. There are thousands of ways to make money online. You can read all the information in the world but if you don’t understand it, you won’t make it far.


Additional Resources

Any New Blogger Must Read These Tips!
Stop Procrastinating! Get Paid Online for Ideas
I made $10 in 3 minutes from my bed! Holy Crap!!!

Why your blog ain’t making money online, Part 2

not making money online, why not?

In this post, I provide a checklist explaining why your blog is not making money. As you learned in part 1 of this post (titled Why your blog ain’t making money online!), there are many variables that you could blame for your blog not making bringing the monthly income you hoped for. Some of these variables are a little easier to tap into and cross off the checklist. Let’s take a look at these variables in further detail.

Is your blog new?
Is your site/blog indexed?
How competitive is niche?
Are you promoting your blog?
Are you writing for your readers or for the money?

If your blog is new, keep in mind that it takes time for the search engines to index your site. Indexing is how the search engines Google, Bing, etc. gather information and data about the content of your site. This information is used to list your site in the search engines. This is also based on the keywords that are associated with your site and your site will appear based on how it is ranked by the search engines for those keywords.

Fortunately, there is a way to check to see if Google has indexed your site. To check this, follow the steps below:

  1. simply type: site:(YourSiteName)
  2. your website address for example site:drlwow.com (see image below)
not making money online

If you are not making money online, your site may not be indexed.

Once you have that information, it will help you determine next steps. If your site is not indexed, use google search console to allow Google to index your site. You can also download and install plugins in WordPress to create sitemaps that help search engines with navigating your site and indexing it.

Get to know the competition in your niche

Your niche or genre that you are blogging in may have thousands of bloggers writing similar content. Also in your niche, there are experts who may have been blogging for a lot longer than you have (years). So, they may have a few tips and strategies that position them well ahead of you in the search engine results.

In addition, with so many bloggers in a niche, so many styles of writing are available for readers. Some readers look for the style that speaks to them and it may or may not be yours. 

How are you promoting your blog?

Not making money online, let’s change that!

Are you promoting your blog online? If not, you should consider doing so since that is where a lot of your traffic will come from. If people don’t know you exist, how can they visit your blog? You can’t just write some blog posts a few times a week and wait for “it to happen.” Be active and be in control of your traffic to an extent.

Schedule your week where you spend time posting and organizing your blog, while you also carve out some time to promote your blog. This will significantly impact the traffic coming to your posts and the amounts of comments and shares.

If you don’t promote, then you are increasing the likelihood of not be making money online from your blog! As you write and promote posts, think about how everybody has a story to tell and people are always looking to read these stories. Let this drive you to promote your blog and get noticed!

Who are you blogging for?

When I read a lot of posts from experienced bloggers about making money online, I immediately know their audience. Once they start sharing their stories, their struggles, their triumphs, their failures/mistakes (including how at one point they were not making money online with their current blog), etc. I know I am reading a blog that was written for content readers!!! Ask yourself that question as you write, am I telling a story that is written for my readers or am I communicating that I just want to make money and I could care less about helping others do the same? 

As you know good things come to those who… It’s not wait, but my belief is Good things come to those who do good things for others. My only caveat is, you don’t do good things, expecting something in return… the universe takes care of you! In the words of Dr. Richard Carlson,

“Do Something Nice for Someone Else and Don’t Tell Anyone About It.” Take that approach as you blog, write good content…Okay well promote it, and tell people about it but don’t expect something good to happen just because you shared a good post. Just practice the habit of doing good things. 



In closing, know your audience and continue to write for them. Develop loyal followers and readers who will continue to come back but equally important they will comment and share your posts. The final thing to consider is whether or not you know and understand the ways to make money online. In addition, they will contribute to the discussion around some of your content.

OMG! Anyone Can Earn Money Online

Do you believe that you can earn money online? How much time would you be willing to put in each day? Those are the 2 most important factors that determine your level of success with earning a monthly income via the internet. Once you answered the questions above, ask yourself, Can I Earn Money Online? You are capable of earning money online, just like I am. To take my earnings over $2k each month, I used already established platforms such as Fiverr.

I didn’t pay for leads, I didn’t advertise. I just set up a seller’s account and let Fiverr take care of everything else including getting the money transfer to me through direct deposit.

Transferred Money Earned Online

Earning Money Online from Fiverr and Transferring the Money is Easy!

So for you, if you take those steps…In the simplest terms, you need a platform to offer your service and receive payment i.e., Fiverr. To use Fiverr, simply create a seller account and set up a profile. Then set up your gig showcasing the services you are selling. Also, you can do this outside of Fiverr with a Google Voice phone number, a website, or a blog that showcases your services and allows you to communicate with customers and clients.

What makes Fiverr a great resource is once you set up your gig, they process the payment for you. All you have to do is request the direct deposit once you are ready! One thing to mention, you don’t have to pay anything out of your pocket for using Fiverr. No set up fees, no paying for leads, just set up your gig and began earning today! Easy right? Yes, Fiverr is also a way to make online earning easy.

A Vision for Earning Money Online

Some successful people unfortunately learn to believe in themselves when they hit rock bottom. You may not be in that place, you may be financially stable, you may be looking for a side hustle, or you simply may be going downhill financially and you are looking into what you can do. No matter where you are in your journey, you need a vision.

A vision is what you see as the outcome of making money online. How much money you see yourself making. More importantly and this has always been a pillar of success for me, envisioning the feeing you’d have when you achieved that desired outcome. Right now, stop reading this post and say out loud “I am earning money online” 5 times. Visualize yourself earning online and imagine what you and your body will feel like when this truly happening. The more you can see yourself earning money online the closer you will become to truly living that vision, trust me. It’s exactly what I have done!

My Vision for Working from Home

In 2007, I had this vision of working from home and making thousands each month; I could see myself “smoking a cigar like a boss.” I kept this vision for years. What did happen, I earned over $13k online within a few years from my websites. I got into having a cigar every now and then, and I learned how to earn money from my computer by tapping into my skill set. I taught myself html and css and begin designing and monetizing my websites and blogs.

How I am earning money online

I am earning money online and you can too!

My vision is what led me to freelancing. It was simple for me; I just reflected on wanting to work from home and earn an income online. Also, I asked myself how can I make a good amount of money working from home? Then, I realized people would pay me to read their books, edit their books, design their resumes and cover letters, and also to write letters, articles, emails, and books for them. This was in alignment with my vision. I didn’t need to go anywhere to do this work, it was free for me to get the customers, and I could work when I wanted to.

Avoiding Mistakes While Earning Money Online

Knowing my path and obstacles which include but aren’t limited to getting severely underpaid as a freelancer, I want to help others become successful with earning multiple streams of income online. I believe failure leads to success. People that fail and never achieve success, didn’t fail but rather they quit before their failure led to success. So don’t interpret this as you have to avoid mistakes as a metric of your success, that is not what this means.

What I am saying here is, I will share the mistakes I made trying to earn money online and you can avoid going through those steps. By all means learn from your mistakes as well but it does not make sense to do exactly what I did and experience the same set backs. Try new things and reflect often and you will be well on your way to thousands in earnings online each month, I guarantee it!

Another resource if you have doubts about your online earning potential is my post Increase Online Earning Potential by 100%.

In closing, the goal of this post was to move you from wondering “How do I began earning money online” to “I am earning money online.” I hope you are finding my content beneficial for your journey to begin earning money online. What I want to share with the world is my insight and expertise; more importantly you are receiving this insight from someone who has done it and is still active with a Top Rated Seller account on Fiverr.

When I first got started, I’d find blog posts from “someone who put a few gigs on Fiverr and earned $900 really fast and stopped working on Fiverr.” I always questioned the authenticity of some of those posts. If you can quickly make $900 online in an ethical way, the only reason to stop is if you can do a lot better in another way.