How you can get paid online for ideas
Believe it or not, you can get paid online for ideas. Napoleon Hill was spot on, “Think and Grow Rich”. That is exactly what it means to get pain online for ideas. You are literally selling your thoughts in an attempt to provide a significant benefit to others.
There a millions of creative individuals that are writing content and publishing it via books, blogs, and YouTube channels. However, these creative writers get writers block from one time or another and with this, they can’t think of a catchy title for their novel, blog posts, or video clip. More often than not they will post a request on Fiverr or UPwork. Fortunately, if you are a seller via these sites you can respond to these request and potentially land these jobs where you will be paid to come up with potential titles for content.
Get paid for names

Many people get paid online for ideas and you can too!
You can get paid online for coming up with names. These names that people will pay you for are titles of books, names of companies, products, services, apps, baby names, and more. In a “gig economy” where you can pretty much get paid for a variety of online services, you can create a job.
On Fiverr, it is simply as creating a gig. For example, “I will come up with a name for your company”. People get paid for creating names, tag lines, and more.
The problem is, not many people know about this niche. I myself have gotten paid for this very work. For me the approach was very subtle. I edited a book for an author on Fiverr. The author gave me a 5 star review and tipped me. Then asked me to give him a few names for his book. Now I don’t know about you, but I don’t work for free. I believed I charged him $15 to come up with 3 title options for his book. He paid me and decide to take part of 1 of my suggestions and revise it into something different.
You can get paid for reviews
You can make reviews and get paid for them. Product tester review sites will pay people like you and me to test their products and review them. There are also authors who want beta readers before their books go live and they will pay you to read their books and provide ideas and suggestions for improvement. Then there are the less ethical means i.e., on Fiverr some buyers will pay people for reviews of their amazon books or products.
Actually this is not necessarily unethical. What I mean by unethical are the people that will pay you for a positive review without ever seeing, reading, or using their book and/or product. My words of wisdom around this are simple.
If you engage in something unethical to get paid online, you have to ask yourself 2 questions:
Is this the kind of person you are?
Can you maintain this and continue to get paid online by these unethical means?
Remember you want continued business from repeat customers and referrals. Giving false reviews certainly impact your credit. I have had authors that I have worked with ask me to give video testimonials after editing their books. I chose to decline because my freelance work is proofreading, editing, and writing; not promoting books via video testimonials (although this would be a good gig).
If your ultimate goal is to get paid online for ideas, then create some guidelines for what you will and won’t do as a side hustle and stick to your list.
Social Media
Over the recent years, I realized that people pay for ideas to post to Social Media accounts. I didn’t realize this until at a 4th of July cookout (Black People, We Love our Cookouts!!!). Anyhow, as I sat down to enjoy my ribs I cooked for 8 hours +, my brother asked me what should I post: “Spending time with my family, much love.”
Think about $10, $15+ for a few minutes to craft or edit a social media post of less than 100 words. It’s a no brainer. That’s the easy part. The challenge comes in promoting your services to do this work, and get paid for it online.

People are get paid online for posting to Pinterest, you can too!
In addition, there are people who get paid directly to build Pinterest accounts with followers and post regular Pins. There is an art to this and there are also apps available that support with creating pins. Most importantly when creating a pin, make sure your pin is offering something to others. Ling at Finsavvy Panda provides a detailed guide for making money from posting pins on pinterest.
In closing, this post touched on the ways people get paid online for ideas. Unheard of right, but it keeps bringing me back to something President Barack Obama said years ago, the jobs of the next 25 years will continue to be created!
My advice to my readers, create a job. I don’t just go to Fiverr and create a gig. Think outside the box and create a job. Even if you go around your neighborhood and tell elderly neighbors you will bring their trash cans to the street and back every trash day for $5 per week. This won’t work for me, I do it for free for Paul and my neighbor Fred he is in his 80s and walks a few miles each day, and he is also a former marine!
Anyhow, please feel free to leave a comment and I will be sure to reply! I look forward to hearing what you have tried. Let’s walk this journey together.
-Dr. L
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