Do you believe that you can earn money online? How much time would you be willing to put in each day? Those are the 2 most important factors that determine your level of success with earning a monthly income via the internet. Once you answered the questions above, ask yourself, Can I Earn Money Online? You are capable of earning money online, just like I am. To take my earnings over $2k each month, I used already established platforms such as Fiverr.
I didn’t pay for leads, I didn’t advertise. I just set up a seller’s account and let Fiverr take care of everything else including getting the money transfer to me through direct deposit.

Earning Money Online from Fiverr and Transferring the Money is Easy!
So for you, if you take those steps…In the simplest terms, you need a platform to offer your service and receive payment i.e., Fiverr. To use Fiverr, simply create a seller account and set up a profile. Then set up your gig showcasing the services you are selling. Also, you can do this outside of Fiverr with a Google Voice phone number, a website, or a blog that showcases your services and allows you to communicate with customers and clients.
What makes Fiverr a great resource is once you set up your gig, they process the payment for you. All you have to do is request the direct deposit once you are ready! One thing to mention, you don’t have to pay anything out of your pocket for using Fiverr. No set up fees, no paying for leads, just set up your gig and began earning today! Easy right? Yes, Fiverr is also a way to make online earning easy.
A Vision for Earning Money Online
Some successful people unfortunately learn to believe in themselves when they hit rock bottom. You may not be in that place, you may be financially stable, you may be looking for a side hustle, or you simply may be going downhill financially and you are looking into what you can do. No matter where you are in your journey, you need a vision.
A vision is what you see as the outcome of making money online. How much money you see yourself making. More importantly and this has always been a pillar of success for me, envisioning the feeing you’d have when you achieved that desired outcome. Right now, stop reading this post and say out loud “I am earning money online” 5 times. Visualize yourself earning online and imagine what you and your body will feel like when this truly happening. The more you can see yourself earning money online the closer you will become to truly living that vision, trust me. It’s exactly what I have done!
My Vision for Working from Home
In 2007, I had this vision of working from home and making thousands each month; I could see myself “smoking a cigar like a boss.” I kept this vision for years. What did happen, I earned over $13k online within a few years from my websites. I got into having a cigar every now and then, and I learned how to earn money from my computer by tapping into my skill set. I taught myself html and css and begin designing and monetizing my websites and blogs.

I am earning money online and you can too!
My vision is what led me to freelancing. It was simple for me; I just reflected on wanting to work from home and earn an income online. Also, I asked myself how can I make a good amount of money working from home? Then, I realized people would pay me to read their books, edit their books, design their resumes and cover letters, and also to write letters, articles, emails, and books for them. This was in alignment with my vision. I didn’t need to go anywhere to do this work, it was free for me to get the customers, and I could work when I wanted to.
Avoiding Mistakes While Earning Money Online
Knowing my path and obstacles which include but aren’t limited to getting severely underpaid as a freelancer, I want to help others become successful with earning multiple streams of income online. I believe failure leads to success. People that fail and never achieve success, didn’t fail but rather they quit before their failure led to success. So don’t interpret this as you have to avoid mistakes as a metric of your success, that is not what this means.
What I am saying here is, I will share the mistakes I made trying to earn money online and you can avoid going through those steps. By all means learn from your mistakes as well but it does not make sense to do exactly what I did and experience the same set backs. Try new things and reflect often and you will be well on your way to thousands in earnings online each month, I guarantee it!
Another resource if you have doubts about your online earning potential is my post Increase Online Earning Potential by 100%.
In closing, the goal of this post was to move you from wondering “How do I began earning money online” to “I am earning money online.” I hope you are finding my content beneficial for your journey to begin earning money online. What I want to share with the world is my insight and expertise; more importantly you are receiving this insight from someone who has done it and is still active with a Top Rated Seller account on Fiverr.
When I first got started, I’d find blog posts from “someone who put a few gigs on Fiverr and earned $900 really fast and stopped working on Fiverr.” I always questioned the authenticity of some of those posts. If you can quickly make $900 online in an ethical way, the only reason to stop is if you can do a lot better in another way.